
Oh Douma

Douma is Rif Dimashq's (the countryside of Damascus) largest and most populated district. The city has been a major flash-point and one of the earliest areas to join the Syrian uprising and later was to meet the same fate as all the cities that refused to submit to the Syrian regime. In August 2012, Syrian security forces stormed Douma, to end all forms of rebellion in the city, and left behind nothing but destruction.

Amidst the rubble, the lens of photographer and director Ziad al-Homsi was there to capture the city's battered reality. The carpet of Douma's historical mosque lying under debris, civilians' houses ransacked and thousands of people living in the dark with no electricity for weeks at a time. Despite the tragedy, Douma's people looked at the situation as a challenge, joining their hands together to clean the streets and fix what is broken in their city and their souls, representing the true meaning of the word “Revolution”.

The film is produced by Kayani for audio-visual arts and the Street Foundation.

This work is under a Creative Commons license. Attribution: Non commercial - ShareAlike 4.0. International license

Illustation by Dima Nechawi Graphic Design by Hesham Asaad